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Navigating PTSD: Its Symptoms and Treatment

Post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD for short, is a mental health condition that is the result of a terrifying event. Most people who undergo traumatic events have temporary difficulty coping with the experience but usually get better with time and self-care. However, symptoms that persist or worsen over months or years that interfere with daily functioning may indicate PTSD.

Understanding the psychology of PTSD is vital to managing it or supporting a loved one with PTSD. Its symptoms are generally categorized into four types: intrusive memories, avoidance, negative changes in thinking or mood, and physical or emotional reactions. These symptoms will vary from one person to another.

Intrusive memories may involve recurrent, distressing memories of the traumatic event, as well as upsetting dreams or flashbacks. This can lead to avoidance, which entails trying to avoid talking or thinking about the traumatic event, as well as avoiding activities, people, or places that serve as reminders. An intensive outpatient program in New Mexico can help a person with PTSD cope with these symptoms.

Adverse changes in thinking and mood may include hopelessness about the future, feeling detached from loved ones, and feeling emotionally numb. Changes in physical or emotional reactions are also common, and may have trouble concentrating, angry or emotional outbursts, and self-destructive behavior.

Treatment for PTSD usually involves psychotherapy and medication. Therapy, along with proper medication management in New Mexico, can improve PTSD symptoms by teaching healthy coping skills. Treatment also addresses other problems that are usually related to traumatic experiences like anxiety, depression, and the misuse of alcohol or substances.

Seek help for PTSD with a trusted behavioral health agency in Albuquerque, New Mexico, like Coffee On The Couch Counseling LLC. Call us now to inquire about our services.

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